Oral Presenters

Thank you to everyone who submitted an abstract for the CleanUp Conference 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts for oral presentations should now have all been notified, and the CleanUp Conference Preliminary Program is now online. 

Your next steps as a CleanUp 2024 presenter are outlined below:

  • Presenter registration, travel and accommodation
  • Presenter registration fees: speakers
  • Oral presentation instructions 

Presenter Registration, travel and accommodation

  • Presenters are required to fund their own travel, accommodation and registration costs.
  • If you are travelling from overseas, please ensure you have completed any visa requirements and familiarised yourself with the latest entry requirements. It is your own responsibility to organise these requirements, and not that of the Conference Managers. 
  • At least one author per paper must register and pay their CleanUp 2024 Conference fee on or before 9 August 2024.
  • Papers with no registered author may be WITHDRAWN.

Presenter registration fees: oral presenters

  • All Presenters are required to register for their attendance at the conference by 9 August 2024.
  • Presenters are eligible to register at the discounted “presenter” rate. You can register here. 
  • Joint presentations will not be considered at the CleanUp 2024 Conference 
  • All other listed authors must register at the non-presenter rate.

Presenter is deemed the nominated person (individual) who will present an oral platform paper or a poster at the CleanUp 2024 Conference.

Oral Presentations

  • Keynote/Invited Speaker oral presentations will be either 15, 30 or 45 minutes in length (with most sessions including Q&A at the end of each presentation), discussion and change over.
  • Standard oral presentations will be 15 minutes in length (with 12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A, discussion and change over)

Please refer to the program schedule to view the day, time and length of your presentation.

Key Dates for Oral Presenters:

  • Initial Author Notification - July 2024
  • Program Released - 26 July 2024
  • Author Registration Deadline - 9 August 2024 

Preparing for your presentations

All session rooms will be equipped with a laptop, lectern, microphone, lapel microphone and data projector supplied by the Adelaide Convention Centre (ACC). It is recommended that you use the ACC’s laptops and play back devices.

If you must use your own laptop, advise this office before Friday 16 August 2024. Ensure you bring the appropriate adaptors and please note that the venue will not provide any technical support for equipment it does not own and maintain.

The preferred method of presentation is via PowerPoint. PowerPoint presentations should be prepared in wide screen 16:9 (not standard 4:3 format). You must bring your presentation to the conference on USB Flash drive for it to be loaded onto the Conference system by an audio visual technician in the speakers’ preparation room. Please have your presentation saved under your last/family name.

PowerPoint Template

Using the Conference-branded PowerPoint template is optional. If you choose to use it, please download it here.

On Arrival at the Adelaide Convention Centre

Presenters are requested to report to the registration desk on arrival. You will be directed to the speaker preparation area where your presentation will be uploaded and verified. If you have a MAC or special presentation requirements, please see the technical operators in the speaker preparation area for assistance. Meet with your session chairperson in the session room 10-15 minutes prior to the commencement of the session. If at all possible, please check your presentation material in the speaker preparation area well before your presentation time to avoid any problems when you present.

Speaker preparation / support room 

The speaker preparation area will be open at the following times:

  • Sunday 15 September 3.00pm – 6.00pm
  • Monday 16 September 7.30am – 5.00pm
  • Tuesday 17 September 7.30am – 5.00pm
  • Wednesday 18 September 7.30am – 3.00pm